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Honk Honk! You missed the one above!
Labor Day Geese Police Raid
This assult took 1 minute,
and an hour of explaining!
44 geese killed in 2 days!
Holy Shit Chip! Dinner's on Fire!
Dis how ve cook in olt country!
Looks like it's burnt to me Chip!
Lew teaching Pullen's grandson
Lew teaching Robert Pullen
to shoot trap or porcupines
I should cut the opening for the boats!
The Operator!
Yeah, I'll dig with a shovel
when Dilly comes out to help!
Let Luyber do it!
The gang hard at work!
Monty waiting patiently
Don't hold your breath Luyber!
Dilly telling a story!
Not much changes!
What are you looking at?
John planting more grass to cut!
I'll bet Dad tells Mom how hard he worked!
What's this work day stuff?
I don't see anyone working!
He killed me because he missed the big buck!
Rob sticks another Hamilton doe.
You can go home, the bucks are sleeping!
What are you doing in that tree?
I'm staying here 'till! I catch the guy climbing with a treestand on my satellite pole, then I KILL!
John after a hard day hunting.
 Tony & Kirk, Thanks for dragging this big boy out!
Nice 10 pointer, 165 pounds
killed by Rob Kelly!
Cookstown, NJ 10/13/01
Those guys look pissed!
Nice shooting Rob!
He must have a buck magnet!
Do we have to help him?
Yes, I DO NOT get a stipend!
A big buck
killed by Mike Sulish!
Saskatchewan, Canada
Rich gets the stipend!
Nice trout
caught by Mike Sulish
Saskatchewan, Canada
Hey Will! Where is Chip shopping?
Da Chipper with a Striper
@ Hot Toddy's
Hot Spot!
Nice picture Rob!
Nice aerial photo from Rob Kelly
Too bad you couldn't catch one for the pic!
Boozer Ice Fishing
Picture from local newspaper
Where the #$%^& is Ben?
Deer Hunt 2000
Your guide is pretty cute Gary!
Gary Brantley
5 by 5 Montana Mule Deer
Killed at Jim's favorite place! (YEAH, WITH A TRUCK!)
Our President, Jim Szeliga
6 Point Buck - 12/29/01
Muzzleloading on the Point
Photo by Ron Granai