Tommy Riggs starts pleading the 1st of 3 cases
Tommy loses and the first shirt gets cut!
Tommy wins with 3 shirt tails!
Fran loses legal defense of Riggsy
Werner Sr. uses legal defense on first charge
Werner Sr. loses the first case
Werner Sr. loses the second case
Art Krey tells his story
Art failed to sway the jury
Rob seems to want to be cut
The Red Valley Slasher gets his due
Who killed the deer? Jim Lambert, John Snook or the baby?
Lawyer Rhett reads the defense for John Snook
Jim offers his son to avoid the sissors
The jury decides that all parties are guilty as charged and all 3 are cut
Joe Punk pleads insanity for Steve Homa
The jury finds Steve guilty as charged
Lawyer Joe Punk gets his payment
John Burick defends John Luyber in a moment of weakness
John Luyber with the traditional message on an old shirt
Lawyer John Burick receives traditional lawyer pay
Youngest Greenie pulls the ticket
And the winner is Bob Kelly Sr.
Dick cuts Bob's pony tail