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FFF Mascot - Paul Burick


2002 Deer Hunt Produces 15 Bucks
Monday Night

The 2002 Buck Week has come to an end with 15 bucks hanging on the pole.  The largest rack was a 10 pointer killed by Will Fiordland in Bordentown.  Here is a new picture given to me by guest hunter Koko, the jumbalaya man! Thanks Eddie!


Rock Fish Charter Trip

Seven club members, a son and 5 friends chartered two great boats in Kent Narrows, MD on October 9th. The mostly young guys aboard the Catch a Crab, limited out on rockfish early. Catch A Crab Captain Danny Harris graciously radioed Tuna The Tide Captain Mark Galasso guiding the mostly old guys to take our spot. With the pressure cranked up they too limited out. The Catch A Crab crew caught 35 keeper weakfish, some bluefish and even more stripers (even keepers) that were thrownback. We are still waiting for the official report from Tuna The Tide. They were last seen heading to happy hour at the Anchor!

Kirk Jr, John B, Victor S, Jim S, Kirk E, Jim V and Mike D . . .Check out the flag! A great time had by great friends!

Joe Punk, Art Krey and JCP&L friends

An NRA certified Basic Pistol Class was held at the clubhouse the last week of April.   The 10 hour instructional course held two evenings and Saturday morning was attended by six members and one spouse.   The class was taught by NRA certified instructors Jim Lewis and Kirk Everett.   There will be another pistol class in May.   Also taught are shotgun, rifle and home firearm safety courses.   Watch for future announcements on this site.   For more information contact Kirk.

2002 Kids Fishing Contest & Annual Outing

Beautiful weather was on tap for the Kids Fishing Contest and Annual Outing.   Over 80 kids fished in the contest and as always every kid won a prize ranging from toys to fishing outfits.   This reporter was interested in the fly rod!   Thanks to Frank Castro for the generous donations, your the best!   The Annual Outing chaired by Werner Nitschmann III followed and was attended by over 140 members and guests plus the kids!  WOW!   The food was great and Chef Dickie & Chef Fred slaved hard over the hot grills all day!   Frank Castro donated and cooked some great sea bass!  Thanks again!   Clams, mussels, hot dogs, hamburgers, sausage, corn on the cob, sea bass, and then these guys started cooking dinner!   A great job by both committee's and a great time was had by all!